Sumit Sharma

The aggregators role in bringing us closer to what we don’t know!

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Influencing Serendipity

Another challenge to be solved by the aggregators would be to answer the question, “Do we know always know what we need?”. This questions arises because not only will we be figuring out how to make the information in front of us out there relevant to us in the present moment, but ensuring that we are privy to any other information that isn’t necessarily in front of us! In other words, being able to frame the web of unknown data and information to our benefit. This could usher in a new era of productivity and innovation where ever expanding web of data will enable us to live a dynamic life in which serendipitous moments frequently occur, productive friction and tinkering are accepted styles of working all leading to a heighten degree of innovation. There are many disruptions possible if information was aggregated in an intelligent fashion and nearly impossible to fathom the magnitude of impact this could have on our social lives, on how businesses operate, medical research and learning to name a few areas.

Written by Sumit

November 14, 2009 at 7:11 am

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